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- No News Is My News
Experimental film where a single actor re-enacts all of the news in a single evening paper for March 26, 1998. Starring ~saila.
- Sediment
A documentary about alternative urn fillings available at a specialized crematorium. Choices of glass pebbles, dried leaves, and a single cube of paper pulp are explained. Starring ~heyitsolivia.
- Then I'm Going Home
A man, bored of his career and life, begins a globe-spanning retreat with only a series of postcard cutouts to give his friends clues on what he's doing and why. Starring ~john.
- Torn
A paper-maker descends into madness from trying to fufull a client's request: a perfect foil gift-wrap. Starring ~mathowie.
- A Lovely Thing We Buried In The Park
Two old friends spend a night out together in Montreal and uncover a secret they thought they had left behind 20 years ago. Now they have to prevent anyone else from finding out before the sun comes up. Starring ~javier and ~_.
- Filter Feeders
A documentary film team come to a fishing village to make a serious peice about the lifestyle there, but soon realize every person in town views the movie as a way out of the fading town. Starring ~john, ~silver, and ~joeld as a talking clam.
- Chlorophun!
An educational animated short about leaves, plants, and their socialist communes. Narrated ~justin and ~shellen.
- Hallow's Screve
One halloween night, a group of grad students face a gruesome killer who's motive centers on philosophy. Only one TA specializing in Cartesian dualism knows how to stop the terror. Starring ~joeld.
- Cheese & Chips
Furious war erupts between three deli owners in a small Nebraskan town, all over the catering rights for the upcoming Citizen of the Year ceremony. Starring ~waxpancake, ~sippey, and ~cooldan69.
- Delisted
Three college students try to get back into school after being kicked out due to scandalous behaviour. Notable for the excessive uses of penguins (all scenes have at least one). Starring ~cortex, ~ford, and ~heather.
- 38 Stones
A global hunt for a set of gems is heating up just when two competitors find out that if they don't work together, the moon is going to explode. Starring ~fireland and ~droob.
- The Newfangled
Moving into a new state-of-the-art apartment isn't all it's supposed to be, in this silent film from the 1920s. Note: this was one of the few films to use odor-reproduction techniques in the cinema. Starring ~hellbox.
- 15 Weeks of Taste
A trade commision to Ghana gets more involved than they thought. They came for chocolate, but got adventure, understanding, and a new cause. Starring ~shorn, ~mattbraga, and ~beep.
- Tough Rides
Comedic vignettes from a taxi driver in Seattle. With ~mdtz as the taxi driver, and ~carella and ~clickblipclick as two long-suffering passengers.
- Milk Chocolate
Torid affairs between hurricanes rock this Alabama suburb. Will hearts be stronger than straw at 200 mph? Starring ~boccaccio.
- Strum-night
Two cops circle each other in a crime action drama with high explosions. Each cop is corrupt, but only one is really playing the other. Starring ~tilde and ~summeranne.
- Each Last Drop
The small amount of ink left in their pens has to last a street artist through their day in this inspiring drama. Starring ~inky.
- Alley Cats
Dealing with life in a convience store, Colin works through a relationship with one of the tenants in the upstairs apartments. Starring ~tristan.
- Saga of the Year 3055
A low-fi scifi around three people from the future thrown back to 1997, and their attempts to get messages to their families in the future by influencing our media in the present. Starring ~charliepark, ~jessamyn, and ~lw.
- Footweaves
A colony of hippies begin an attempt to create as flexible a set of bodies as possible, using all parts for all tasks. Conflicts around efficency, kinestetics, and Taylorism threaten to divide the community. Semi-documentarial. Starring ~dvd, ~tym, ~drew and ~marks.